On the 17th of October 2020 a week after Nomvula Shale’s birthday, she decided to commit herself  matrimonially with HIV/AIDs.  She became Mrs HIV the reason for that is that HIV/Aids has been  in her body for a period of 24 years, with 14 years of ARVs.  So she is Proudly HIV/AIDs. 

By doing this she volunteered to do it, because volunteering is one of the best skills that helps  her to cope with everything that she is facing in life.  After the wedding she engaged with the  Community where she talk about stigma, rejection and discrimination where people were taught  on how to deal with or cope with living with HIV/Aids.  We managed to track down people who  are not reliable on their treatment, because adherence is the most important thing if one is living  with HIV/AIDs.   

In our Country we only have three regiments so we have to teach the infected people to stick on  ARVs so that they cannot be on the second regiments and third regiments before time.  It has not  been easy by we managed through Gods Mercy. 

We host support groups every twice a month and encourage people to live positively.  In our  support groups we invite the affected and infected people with HIV the reason for that it is because  we need the affected ones to support the infected ones 


Hebrews 4v16 

“Let us then approach Gods throne of grace with confidence so that we may receive and find  grace to help us in our time of need” 

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