Nomvula Shale

About Us

How She managed to Overcome Stigma attached to HIV/Aids

  • Dealing with the past
  • Forgive Yourself
  • Forgive the person who infected you
  • Acceptance
  • Get More Knowledge
  • Focus On The Future
  • Learn More About HIV/AIDs

She managed to live without treatment for a period of 10 years. In 2006 she started to get sick  after losing her father.  Her CD4 count went down and the Viral Load went up.  In 2006 Dr A Misra initiated her with ARTs because the CD4 Count was 125 and the Viral Load was 1.8 000 000.   She suffered without any opportunistic infections.  CD 4 Count increased gradually by 345.  She  survived all the side effects and in that time she was doing Counselling Practical and after that  she got employed from the same doctor (Dr Misra).  

The same year 2006 she opened a Company that is called Siphila Ngomusa (Living by Grace).   Nomvula has addressed different people in schools, communities and in churches. In 2005  –  2006  she  hosted  a  Show  that  was  teaching  Christian  about  the  infection  of  HIV/Aids  and  Prevention.  She ran various Talk Shows within Imbokodo FM, Radio High Way, Ikhwezi Fm,  Inanda FM.  After that she became Health Columnist within different News Papers i.e. uMAfrika,  ILanga, Isolezwe and Inkazimulo Newspapers.  She worked with the organisation called World  Vision as a Facilitator for 2 years, she worked for United Congregational Church as a Convenor  of HIV/AIDs in the Region of KZN creating awareness within 66 Churches.   

In 2007 Nomvula Shale became a Counsellor at Thembalethu Care Centre in Lamontville where  she provided Counselling to terminally ill patients. What Nomvula preaches all the time is that  being HIV positive shouldn’t mean the end of the world.  People who are infected with HIV/ AIDs  should take Antiretroviral Drugs all the time. 



She  has  achieved  4  Awards  from  Inheritors  Community  Achievement  Awards  for  three  consecutive years that was 2011, 2012 and 2013 which was sponsored by Indondo Awards,  The  Co-ordinator of the awards, Reverend Caleb Mbokazi, said Nomvula Shale was one of the very  few  people  in  the  community  who  brought  hope  to  others  and  said  “  she  is  an  amazing  woman……she is real inspiration”.